Read the texts and match them with the headings. there is one extra title.every family needs a homemaker. whether this is the mum or dad, or part-time from both is irrelevant. in our family, we chose the traditional role for me to stay at home, but some families choose the reverse, especially if the woman has the better-paid job. we have actually experienced both since i had to work full-time when my husband was made redundant and stayed at home for a time. the days when the person staying at home to look after the house and family was thought of as being "just a housewife" have long gone, especially now that there is a role reversal and it is sometimes the man who stays home. nowadays there is a lot of pride in being the "homemaker". it is one of the most worthwhile careers and the rewards, although not financial, are great. the family benefits from quality time from one parent all the time.

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